Liability Release Waiver.

In consideration for being allowed to participate in any and all tournaments, events, and activities hosted by Reno Grass Volleyball, I, the undersigned, hereby agree to the following terms and conditions:

1.       Assumption of Risks: I understand that engaging in sports and activities, including but not limited to tournaments, clinics, and events hosted by Reno Grass Volleyball, involves inherent risks. These risks may include, but are not limited to, injuries from falls, collisions, or contact with equipment and other participants. I acknowledge and voluntarily assume all responsibility for any injuries, damages, or losses that may occur while participating in any Reno Grass Volleyball tournament or event.

2.       Acknowledgment of Equipment Risks: I acknowledge that volleyball nets and associated equipment, including stakes and ropes, may pose hazards if not used or handled properly. I agree to exercise caution and responsibility while around these nets and equipment and understand that failure to do so may result in injury.

3.       Release of Liability: I hereby release, discharge, and hold harmless Reno Grass Volleyball, its organizers, volunteers, employees, and affiliates from any and all liability, claims, demands, actions, or causes of action whatsoever arising out of or related to any loss, damage, or injury, including death, that may be sustained by me while participating in any Reno Grass Volleyball tournament, event, or activity.

4.       Indemnification: I agree to indemnify and hold harmless Reno Grass Volleyball, its organizers, volunteers, employees, and affiliates from any liability, loss, damage, or expense, including legal fees, that may result from my participation in any tournament, event, or activity hosted by Reno Grass Volleyball.

5.       Confirmation of Age: I confirm and certify that I am 18 years of age or older. By checking the box and participating in any Reno Grass Volleyball tournaments, events, or activities, I affirm that I am of legal age to enter into this agreement.

6.       Emergency Medical Treatment: In the event of any injury or illness during my participation in any Reno Grass Volleyball tournament, event, or activity, I authorize Reno Grass Volleyball and its representatives to seek and consent to emergency medical treatment or care as deemed necessary.

7.       Consent for Use of Likeness: I grant permission to Reno Grass Volleyball to use photographs, videos, or other media recordings taken during any tournament, event, or activity for promotional or informational purposes.

I have read this liability release form, fully understand its terms, and confirm that I am of legal age to enter into this agreement. I check the box and agree to its contents voluntarily and of my own free will.